TABLE ON THE GREEN—January 15, 2025
Minutes To be approved at February Membership Meeting:
Members in Attendance:
Jane Hammett
John Zopatti
Majorie Riddle Watson
Nancy Rawlinson
Cyndi Klepper
Ursula Walsh
Kathy Scheidemann
Naomi Johnson
Lynn Bain
Ellen Pfann
Kathy Pellerino
Heather Carnall
Payton Carnall (minor)
Mary Jo Stockman
John Stockman
Carol Dowd
Katrina Haskell
Lynda Green
Giselle Engleka
Jane called the meeting to order.
Ellen read the slate of officers, which were then approved by membership.
PRESIDENT – Jane Hammett Bright
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY – Marjorie Riddle Watson
BOARD MEMBERS – Brenda Lewis, Kathy Pellerino, Ursula Walsh
Carol gave the treasurer’s report.
Jane talked about donations of money and food that the club sent to Western NC.
Marjorie gave the membership report. There are 66 paid members. We discussed making Nona Burwell an honorary member and presenting her with a plaque for all of her accomplishments and generosity over the years. This will be done at a future meeting.
Jane discussed the Vet Tech Program and said that we will have the director tell us about it. She said hopefully we will have former recipients of the scholarship tell us what they are doing now, whether they are still vet techs and how the scholarship helped them.
The December Newsletter included a New Year’s ResolutionEllen asked about members’ goals for their dogs, and several members talked about what they hope to accomplish with their dogs.
Carol gave a report for this coming weekend’s trial. The trial will be at Rising Star, and Chris Tracy and Sandy Fisher will still be Trial Secretary and Chair respectively.
Kathy will be Chair at the June trial. She said she will need 6 people from the club to help. Ursula said there are hotels in the area that will take dogs.
Jane said she needs 5 members to work at the next Fast CAT meet. She passed a sign up sheet around. The meet is February 7, 8, and 9.
Kathy gave a report about up-coming FIT walks. The dates are:
January 25 Pinehurst Brewery
February 22 Reservoir Park
March 22 Pinehurst Brewery
April 19 Weymouth Preserve
May 11 Reservoir Park
June 22 Weymouth Preserve
Giselle spoke about the upcoming scent trials. The next one will be March 29-30 at SCC. They had the entries filled almost immediately.
Jane reminded everyone that trophy donations for the dog show need to be paid up.
New Business—
Jane said that anyone who wants to be in charge of something, add your name and what you would like to do. If you are interested in being an officer, learn what the duties are from the present officer.
An instructor for the Vet Tech program will be our speaker at the next meeting.
Ellen mentioned our May 7 meeting will be our annual pot luck picnic and have some sort of seminar with dogs(i.e. dog massage therapy) at the same time.
Ellen made a motion that we donate $1000 to help with the fires on the West Coast. Kathy suggested donating through Best Friends .
Jane discussed donating $2500 to Lumberton Sheriff’s Officer for a K-9 officer. AKC will follow-up with an additional $7500. Carol made a motion to donate, seconded, and passed.
Jane also wants to donate a K-9 to the Southern Pines Police Department.
Ursula made a motion to adjourn, seconded, and passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Naomi Johnson