November 2024 Club Meeting Minutes

TABLE ON THE GREEN—November 6, 2024

Members in Attendance:

Jane Hammett 

Myranda Lee

Majorie Riddle Watson            

Kathy Pellerino

Naomi Johnson

Patricia Jugeat

Terry Chumley 

Carol Dowd 


Beth Verner 

Nancy Rawlinson

Cyndi Klepper

Betty Chapman

Ken Shedarowitz

Diane Shedarowitz

Katrina Haskell  

Lynda Green 


Kimberly Bryant

From Myrtle Beach—

Annette Giraud

Judy Dailey

Karen Meacham

Jane called the meeting to order.  She introduced John Kennedy from Cumberland County Animal Services who has been helping with disaster relief for animals affected by Hurricane Helene in Western NC.  He described what they have been doing, what needs to be done, and how we can help.  He gave us names and organizations to call.  He said that Bruce Acres Veterinary Hospital is in charge of Central NC Emergency Operations Centers.

He said they have a mobile adoption unit that can be repurposed for emergencies.

Jane described what she (and MCKC) has donated so far in food purchased from Tractor Supply and taken to the airport—for the mule team and in conjunction with the Salisbury Kennel Club.

Naomi read the minutes from the October meeting.   Marjorie moved to accept as read, seconded and passed.

Marjorie then read the members’ report which included one resignation because of health and moving away.  We also discussed Ellen’s upcoming move to Nebraska which means we will need a new corresponding secretary and website master.

Naomi read the Nominations for next year’s Slate of Officers and Board members.  They are:

President—Jane Hammett

Vice President—Carol Dowd

Treasurer—Melissa DeWitt

Recording Secretary—Naomi Johnson

Corresponding Secretary—Ellen Pfann

Membership Chairman—Marjorie Riddle Watson

Board Members—Brenda Lewis, Kathy Pellerino, Ursula Walsh

Marjorie read the rules concerning officers and board members.

Agility Trial—Ursula said that we need to discuss the January agility trial.  We decided to table it until the next Board meeting. 

Fast CAT will be Halloween weekend.  There were 831 runs at last Fast CAT/CAT meet plus 74 fun runs.  56 titles were given out.  Everyone had a great time.   There is going to be a different organization running the next meet.

Kathy announced there will be a FIT Walk on November 16th at Reservoir Park at 10:00.  All are invited to participate.

Ellen said that the next meeting will be the Christmas party at Valenti’s Italian Restaurant, December 4th at 6:00.  The club will pay for members’ dinners.  There will be a cash bar and there will be a $35 charge for guests’ dinners.

Marjorie requested pledges and/or donations for dog show trophies.  She said to let her know if there is a particular breed or group to which you wish to donate a trophy.

Annette Geraud of Myrtle Beach Kennel Club discussed several changes to the upcoming dog show.  She said that North Eastern Kennel Club is now up and running, and they want to do an “A” Match at the dog show.  There would be one Friday evening after our show and one Saturday evening after the Myrtle Beach Show.   Betty moved to allow North Eastern to do their ”A” Match.  Ursula seconded it and it

There will be no charge for parking this year.  There will be a slight extra charge for entry fees. 

Jane said that we need to get more people who will be active to join the club.

Marjorie went over the contributions we made this past year and asked if anyone had suggestions for future donations

Jane asked for brags.  There were many very talented and winning dogs this month.  Congrats to all the winners.

Kathy moved that the meeting be adjourned, Ursula seconded it, passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Naomi Johnson