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It’s almost Thanksgiving! We are pleased to announce the third annualAKC FIT DOG Turkey Trot. What is it? The AKC FIT DOG Turkey Trot is a virtual 5K (3.1 miles) […]
The BARKER is both a Blog AND a Vlog.
Betty Chapman needs your help. More information if you click.
We’re back after our Summer Vacation. The weather is going to (eventually) cool. Pending dates, the club would also like to add AKC Fit Club, Agility Fun Day, If you have additional suggestions, please let me know.
August’s Board Meeting included the Treasury Report, Nominating Committee information, Dog Show/Search for Judges, Fun Committee, and the Club’s investigations into adding Cat and Fast Cat competitions.
We’re Taking The Summer Off. Our next club meeting will be: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 6:00 PM Table on the Green Restaurant Watch for updates on Fun Committee Events.