Author: BARKER!


The AKC Board of Directors sends our club updates on actions taken at their meetings. August 2022 included: Emergency Procedures at Dog Events, Modification of the Disqualification and Reinstatement Procedures, Conformation Championship Points, Judges required in lower level performance and companion titles, data and mileage restrictions, Owner-Handler Series, and the listing of event committee members in premiums.

Adopt-A-K9 Cop Update

Moore County Kennel Club is an avid participant in AKC Reunite’s Adopt-A-Cop program. When the club donates $2,500 to a K9 Unit, the AKC will augment with an additional $7,500. Many police department K-9 units are suffering budget cuts and they are unable to solicit money due to town and municipality codes. The donations from AKC Reunite and AKC Clubs allow the police department’s need for a new K-9 to become a reality.