Tag: Barker


Here is some more information about MCKC’s Springfest Booth, and how you can help!! When Ellen calls you (if you don’t contact her first), please let her know you will take a shift. We need folks to:
Bring dogs to be petted
Demonstrate an activity
Tell people about our club, especially the money we donate to dog charities.
Hand out Judging Schedules for the next weekend’s dog show.


In this month’s Obedience Corner, Baby Justice learns that the reward comes to those that wait. “Stay” is thought incorrectly by some to be a passive command. In reality,
it is an active command – where the dog must actively remember to staying. Opposition Reflex means that we teach the dog to stay in position while we apply leash pressure to pull them out of the the position we asked them to stay. And the Cookie Slide Game just adds some additional heat.
With Justice, the criteria is that he not only STAY, but he also needs to focus.

Treasury Report – December

Betty reported our December 2022 net balance is $75,961.12 (compared to $82,649.65 in December 2021). Overall, our charitable expenditures accounted for approximately $4,200 of that difference – in 2021 we donated $16,200 to charity, versus $20,498 in 2022. Betty’s recommendations for 2023 donation can be found on the MCKC Charitable Contributions Report (1/1/10-2022).