Category: Volunteer Needed


HELP NEEDED: PALMETTO TO PINES 4-DAY CLUSTER DRAWS NEAR. Wednesday, April 25: MCKC will set up at the Southeastern North Carolina Agricultural Events Center in Lumberton, NC. Thursday, April 25: DAY ONE OF THE MOORE COUNTY SHOW. Friday, April 26: DAY TWO OF THE MOORE COUNTY SHOW OUTSIDE INSIDE THE EVENT CENTER Saturday & Sunday, […]


Here is some more information about MCKC’s Springfest Booth, and how you can help!! When Ellen calls you (if you don’t contact her first), please let her know you will take a shift. We need folks to:
Bring dogs to be petted
Demonstrate an activity
Tell people about our club, especially the money we donate to dog charities.
Hand out Judging Schedules for the next weekend’s dog show.

MINUTES – June 8, 2022

BOARD MEETING Present: Betty Chapman, Carol Dowd Kamalbake, Bill Pace, Patty Pace, Ellen Pfann, Ursula Walsh. 5:19 PM – Meeting called to order by Vice President Patty Pace (President Jane Hammett Bright was absent). PRESIDENTS REPORT – No Report TREASURERS REPORT – Betty Chapman MAY 2022 SHEET Currently have $82,667.16 in our combined accounts. Number […]