MINUTES – April 13, 2022


BOARD MEETING – 4/13/2022
President Jane Hammett Bright Called to order: 5:19 pm

TREASURY – Betty Chapman

Deposit $150 in Dog Show sponsorships

Paid out to catch up with agility trial

Donated $1000 to each

  • Pinehurst K9
  • SP K9
  • Moore County Sherriff K9
  • Ukraine Donation

Prepaid toilets for show expenses

Available $62,069 – about same as last year.

Report Approved Unanimously

MEMBERSHIP Presented by Betty Chapman on behalf of Marjorie Riddle Watson

4 applicants

Mary Joe, John Stockman – expect to meet them at this meeting.

Maggie Meyer – working to complete application

Jessica Joseph

Jean Baker from Apex – rescue dogs. – board approved doing her second reading to the club members. Sponsors are Ursula and Sandy.

Motion to have a May Board Meeting focus on Member programs and benefits approved by acclamation


     Promoting our show is very important. Ellen has been submitting the event to as many “free” places as possible, including several local Facebook Groups, Convention & Visitors Bureau in Moore County and some of the surrounding counties, The Pilot, Star 102.5. Betty suggested the 103.1 – community calendar and Ellen agreed to include. The board considered several media recommendations and approved $450 advertising budget with the Pilot to include:

Pilot Online100,000 $     100May 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2022
Pilot Briefing 21,000 $     200Monday, 5/2/2022
The Sway 15,000 $     150Thursday, 5/5/2022
 $ 450


Bill will be on the grounds Friday to collect golf carts, Start RV Parking Setup. Both the Golden Retriever Clubs and the Pet Responsibility Committee have agreed to help us with setup and Parking. Need someone to run for ice, etc.

Need someone to do sell catalogs

Ellen said she will check on Pine Scones to see if they wish to do for breakfast.

Motion to Adjourn at 6:02 PM.

Called to order by President Jane 6:12 PM

TREASURER – Betty Chapman

Income by month – March — $62,069

Accepted as read unanimously.

MEMBERSHIP – Betty Chapman on behalf of Marjorie Riddle Watson

Welcome John and Mary Stockman and their service dog Holly. They just moved here from Minneapolis-St Paul area. They are both attorneys.

Jean Baker Read for a Vote. Agility competing in Master Level, sponsored by Ursula and Sandy. Unanimously accepted as a member. CONGRATULATIONS JEAN. WELCOME.

SPRINGFEST – Ellen Pfann

The Club will be participating in Springfest in Downtown Southern Pines on April 30, 2022.

A Club Member asked it be put in a more visible spot on the website, and Ellen agreed to do so.

  • Members will need to bring their dogs (if applicable) and their own water and bowl.
  • Two crates will be at the booth for dogs to take rests under the tent.
  • There will be battery fans in case they are needed.
  • Two (or more) chairs will be at the booth for people to rest.
  • A pop- up tent will be in one side of the 2-booth spot, and ring gating for demo’s will be on the other side. The pop up will have weights. Ellen doesn’t have weights for the ring gating, so if anyone is able to bring, that would be wonderful.
  • One Club Banner will be hanging on the front of the tent facing the street.
  • The Philanthropy Banner will hang on the side of the tent facing the demonstration area.
  • The Therapy Booth will be under the pop-up tent.

DOG SHOW – Bill Pace

Moore County Kennel Club’s Dog Show will take place May 7-8, 2022 at the Polo Fields in Pinehurst, located behind the Harness Track at 200 Beulah Church Road, Pinehurst.

Need help with parking – Air traffic controllers for the upper lot area to direct people to the location of where they will park after the money has been taken and tickets given for parking. Need someone to run for ice, etc.

Need someone to sell catalogs

Ellen announced the club will be advertising in The Pilot Online, and through the Pilot Briefing and The Sway for the week prior to the Dog Show.


Brenda Lewis asked when the club would have a FUN DAY, because we all love to have fun. President Jane asked for committee volunteers.

Lynn Cox, Carol Dowd Kamalbake, Naomi Johnson, Mary Wood have graciously agreed to for a FUN DAY COMMITTEE, which will tackle ideas of the things we can do together for fun, separate from our regular meetings. Thank you, ladies. Perhaps you’ll have some ideas by the May meeting?


MOTION to adjourn 6:56 PM


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